Before the Earth split, there was a rumble.
For more than 20 million years two giants lay dormant, each one exhausted from their unending fighting. They had clinched and butted heads with bared teeth and burrowed brows all along the ocean floor until one day they could fight no longer. It remained that way for some time, the two behemoths unable to unlock their arms and untie their legs from the impossible struggle they had forged in years gone by. And as the years passed and the giants aged, they loosened their grips and called futility to their fighting, deciding to go their separate ways. But in the commotion of their separation, something was left behind. A small island lay idly in the middle of the ocean as neither titan took claim to its ownership. Soon, the people on the island gave name to the point where the giants released their grip, calling it Clogherhead and the island, Ireland.
This point, where the American and European plates collided before eventually separating almost 500 million years ago is notable for many things. It is where ancient Celtic tribesman dragged herculean-sized boulders in their construction of Newgrange, it is the point where every year the sea turns a bright shade of grey as shoals of mackerel chase sprat into the harbor as excited locals collect buckets of both by the fistful, and it is also the location where Oriel Sea Salt cultivate their vitamin-rich offerings. Deciding in 2013 to take advantage of the nutrients the sea had to offer, Oriel Sea Salt began production in Clogherhead, extracting huge volumes of seawater each day to transfer into their very own ‘Living Ocean’. What comes out of their one-of-a-kind line of production is sea salt that is un-flaked and entirely organic as well as sustainable. The sea salt itself also contains an abundance of mineral-rich fossil life that cannot be found anywhere else in the world as it contains ancient sea life that was once part of both the American and European tectonic plates.
Clogherhead is rightfully known as the birthplace of Ireland. The location where two colossal giants fought and shed parts of themselves making Port Oriel unlike anywhere else on Earth. All it takes to realize this fact is to taste and experience what Oriel Sea Salt are producing each and every day.
Oriel Salt